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Unsigned driver loading techniques using a signed vulnerable driver

Every time you try to install an unsigned driver on your Windows operating system, you get a warning that it is not recommended and may be dangerous to your computer. But what if I told you that there is a way to load an unsigned driver without these warnings?  First, you need to understand why Windows requires signed drivers. This is to keep your system safe and to protect you from potentially malicious programs that could damage or infect your computer. Unfortunately, it also restricts us


_xvi in Anti-Cheats

How EAC detects cheat windows through EnumWindows and how to bypass this

EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat) is software used to protect online games from cheaters. One of its functions is to detect processes and windows related to cheats. In this article, we will look at how EAC uses the EnumWindows feature to detect cheat windows. The EnumWindows function is part of the Windows API library and is used to list all windows on the system. When EAC starts up, it starts enumerating all the top windows on the system using this function. However, EAC does not just enumerate all wi


_xvi in Anti-Cheats

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