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Privacy Policy

Welcome to our website and forum. By using our site and forum, you agree to our user agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of this agreement, then do not use our site and forum.

  1. Disclaimer: Administration of this site does not provide any services to site users. All information and content is posted by users, and the site administration is not responsible for the content of this content. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information posted on the site or forum.
  2. Forbidden content: It is forbidden to post content on the site and forum that is illegal, discriminatory, offensive, pornographic or violates copyrights. The site administration reserves the right to remove any content that does not comply with our rules.
  3. Store: The site and forum do not allow you to purchase any services or merchandise. The Store section is for donations only. Users can make donations of any amount and the name on the site can be any. Site administration does not guarantee anything and does not give anything in return.
  4. Personal information: The site administration will not disclose the users' personal information to third parties without your permission. We are not responsible for the leakage of personal information of users who have placed it on our site or forum.

Changes in User Agreement: Site Administration reserves the right to change this User Agreement at any time without notice. Users are responsible for checking this agreement for changes.
Thank you for reviewing our user agreement. If you have any questions or comments about this agreement, please contact the site administration.

Furia Private Cheats, улица А.А.Кадырова, дом 777, село Чечен-Аул, Чечня, район Грозненский, 366022

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